“Passo chiama Passo” is a new series of publications by Kunstverein Publishing Milano, conceived together with Italian artist Claudia Losi. Each edition consist of a vinyl record accompanied by an artist’s book. The publication series, co-produced with Federica M. Bianchi of Snaporazverein_CH, revolves around the relationship between voice, space and chorality, the heart of Claudia Losi’s artistic work. The publications bring together the unforeseen results of a number of site-specific performances in natural as well as urban landscapes.

Step follows step / step counts step / step engraves step / step burns step / step sings step / step flows step / Every story is the story of every place / rooted deep down / other stories sprout / they fall, black with frost / they mutate, green as rain / they petrified, grey as stone / song calling / song freeing / song bewitching / song crying / song killing / song sustaining.

(Claudia Losi)